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Our team

Helen Baldwin

Qualified mindfulness & lucid dreaming teacher

Helen has been practicing mindfulness and lucid dreaming for over 15 years. She is British, has lived in France for 30 years, and is perfectly bilingual.

Helen has a PhD is psycho-pharmacology, specialised in anxiety and addiction. She had a successful career as a business leader in the field of medical writing. Nevertheless, she decided to leave that all behind in order to achieve her new life's purpose: teaching mindfulness and turning her idyllic home in the South of France into a meditation centre.

Helen trained and qualified as a mindfulness teacher at the Mindful Academy Solterreno, Spain. She also qualified as a lucid dreaming facilitator following a 6-month training course with Charlie Morley.

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Helen has participated in numerous international meditation retreats and received teachings from several great spiritual masters. In particular, she is inspired and guided by:

  • Thich Nhat Hanh: beloved Buddhist monk, mindfulness teacher, founder of Plum Village, author and poet
  • Eckhart Tolle: spiritual teacher and author of "The Power of Now" and "A New Earth"
  • Jon Kabat-Zinn: founder of the 8-week course "Mindfulness-Based Stress Reduction" (MBSR)
  • Charlie Morley: author and lucid dreaming teacher
  • Rupert Spira: author and teacher of non-duality


Meditation student (beginner level)

Our Cavalier King Charles, Woofy, is very keen on our colorful meditation cushions!

However, he is not allowed in the meditation studio during the sessions as he has not yet learned how to stay still for more than 5 minutes.

Luckily he almost never barks (except when he sees Twix the cat!)

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Zen Master

Twix is not allowed in the meditation room or the apartments as we are aware that many people are allergic to cats.

Anyway, he doesn't need meditation classes because he's already totally zen (like most cats!)

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